Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Saturday, May 18, 2019
The Catholic Church still gets Satan and Evil right
The liberal Left and the sectarian Marxist " socialist " Left are self-deluded if they think they can win the hearts and minds of THE PEOPLE by showing such open contempt for millions of the world's Catholics AND Protestants who remain devoted to their centuries old faith.
I see very little hatefulness among Catholics I know . But I see a lot of it among the neo-liberal Democrats and various " socialist " parties that - in their brainless conformity -remind me more of the creepy " Clears " in the Church of Scientology " than the older generation of SOCIALIST HUMANISTS .
Only a main stream news media smear campaign makes the Catholic Church seem more infested with sexual perverts than other churches or secular institutions -like elite private schools or just the Boy Scouts.
The mainstream news media barely reports vandalism against Catholic Churches here in Rhode Island or around the world ( as recently in France ) .
Most of the world's Catholics and Protestants find no moral guidance, no inspiration and instruction ,in the New Atheism or in Stalinist exhortations for bloody chaos.
To be sure , the vociferous God Haters can not show the way to a better , kinder world.
On the Left myself I do think that the PRO-LIFE movement on the whole is on a higher moral plane than so many nihilistic sounding PRO-CHOICE zealots. One PRO-CHOICE politician in Rhode Island referred to the human seedling as " residue ".
American capitalism is not treating the homeless or the aged any better than messy " residue ".
Many WOMEN have winter tales to tell about the lingering guilt over abortion. Many WOMEN are not starry eyed over PLANNED PARENTHOOD and the big business , MAKE A BUCK abortion industry.
The Catholic Church still gets Satan and Evil right .
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