Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Saturday, May 25, 2019
The American plutocracy looks down in contempt on ALL the rest of us
In the final analysis , it is irrational CAPITALIST society - based on gross INEQUALITY between the plutocracy and the working-middle class- that is the root of racist and ethnic -even gender- hostility.
The ONE PERCENT looks down EQUALLY on ALL the rest of us . You can FEEL it when you walk through the doors of the work place every week day.
Why do THEY promote nasty vicious " identity politics " where common people are RUINED or ridiculously punished over mere WORDS ? Are THEY on a higher moral plane than the rest of us ?
It is this simple : the American ruling class needs some ideological camouflage . They must seem to stand for something more idealistic than crude self-preservation. American Imperialism needs a benevolent face.
Yes , YOU can be black, female, Latino , Native American, gay, transgendered , handicapped, and not be kept down in the capitalist rat race : AS LONG AS YOU SERVE THE PROFIT SYSTEM , AS LONG AS YOU SERVE THE PENTAGON WAR CRIMES MACHINE.
Back in the 1950s even gay " On the Road " , " Howl " beatniks understood this.
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