Wednesday, May 8, 2019

A DNA test for citizenship in Israel ?

What is good in Israel -and what is good in the United States - is certain prevailing values of Western Civilization - utterly alien to barbaric Saudi Arabia .

         What is bad in Israel reflects what is bad about the United States - an entrenched militarism and devotion to a capitalist economic system.

              US imperialism -in alliance with belligerent Zionism - seems prepared to antagonize the whole world in defense of " interests " that have nothing to do with the freedom and security of working class and middle class Americans.

            Both Israel and the United States present themselves as essentially benevolent and sinned against . You can't count on the mainstream news media in either country to tell the WHOLE TRUTH- to not cover up reported atrocities and crimes against humanity .

               So called " collateral damage " in military actions is the stuff for a hearing in the World Court .

                 And American citizens are not supposed even to notice the smothering Zionist control of the news media ?

                The mainstream news media , of course , has a bias toward the Democratic Party ( although Trump is very popular in Israel ).

       And Zionist-in Chief Chuck Schumer does say that anti-Zionism IS anti-Semitism and that HE sees himself as poor , misunderstood Israel's " guardian angel ".

                 Nobody cares to explain how a self-described " Jewish state " is compatible even with our Founding Fathers' vision of " Democracy in America ".

                I do think hysterical appeals to " The Holocaust " are not a rational justification for Apartheid Israel.

           No one ethnic group has a divine claim on any place on earth.

            Can you picture a DNA test for Israeli citizenship ?

           Are affluent Jews from New York City fleeing from persecution here to settle on Palestinian territory ?

             Writer Gore Vidal had a number of essays proving that Zionist Israel is a pernicious influence on American foreign policy .

               Our Rhode Island Congressman David Cicilline babbles about our " special relationship " with Israel . A former CORRUPT mayor of Providence , he does not speak for WE here.
Is it asking too much : PROFESSIONAL journalism on the Palestinian struggle for liberation from oppression ?

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