Thursday, May 30, 2019

Besides wicked Russia what does the American plutocracy do to influence presidential elections ?

The phony liberal Democrats represent the American ruling class as a BIPARTISAN political force along side the conservative Republicans.

          If Russia could not falsify the vote count in the 2016 presidential election , then what could it do to influence the election ? Just what every nation state would do to influence an American presidential election : try effective PROPAGANDA techniques. Only smothering FREE SPEECH in American elections could deter any " foreign " influence.

                What does the American plutocracy do to influence elections ? It can buy journalists and pay millions for deceptive political advertising.

         Barbaric Saudi Arabia and Zionist Apartheid Israel do not meddle in our national elections ? Germany, France, Italy, England are NEUTRAL in these elections ?

     And our CIA never meddles in the internal politics of other countries ( like Venezuela today or Chile in the Nixon era ) ?

            The Democratic Party is insulting the intelligence of the American voters- especially working class voters in Rust Belt States betrayed by " friends of labor " Democrats.

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