Friday, September 6, 2024

'World War III Is Coming': Trump Alerts Putin & Netanyahu; Decries U.S.'...

Can the ruling classes of the " formidable " ( ? ) NATO alliance recruit enough ignorant and stupid young males needed for " victory " in nuclear World War III with Islamic Iran and POST-COMMUNIST Russia ? Hurrah for the New Triple Alliance of the 21st century : " Greater Israel "Israel USA , " Greater Israel " Ukraine, and " Greater APARTHEID Israel " in the Middle East ! The Biden-Harris administration is packed with belligerent ZIONIST Jews daily encouraged by the mainstream news media. THEY do not want to lose their positions in the 2024 Election. But Democrat or Republican , no establishment American politicians can think outside the box of pro-American imperialism , pro-Israeli Zionism , and pro-greedy capitalism. WE THE PEOPLE need a third truly INDEPENDENT party - an American Labor Party , a lot like the British Labor Party in size and influence but less stuffy and compromised.

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