Friday, September 6, 2024

Kamala Harris' campaign raises $361 million in August

" Kamala Harris campaign reports it raised $361 million in August ". In " OUR democracy " the presidency is actually auctioned off to different sectors of the American ruling class. Again and again the highest contributors win. But it pays to invest in BOTH candidates for president, Republican and Democrat. When I see Kamala Harris or former president Barrack Obama pop up on a You Tube ad asking the likes of ME for $5:00 I feel that I have entered the theater of the political ABSURD !. I can see the psychology behind it : some blue collar dimwit sends the Kamala campaign a eye brow raising check for $5:00 and then feels that he or she is now formally INVESTED in the presidency of the United States. This long time independent democratic socialist might even send the Kamala Harris campaign the equivalent of $5 in Russian currency for Halloween celebrations. After all Vladimir Putin just endorsed Kamala besotted by her " irresistible laugh " . But this " trick " might smack of subversive foreign influence in a presidential campaign .

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