Wednesday, August 7, 2024

UK riots: Britain braced for more than 30 protests across towns and cities

Only SOCIALIST INTERNATIONALISM can counteract growing fascist hostility to mass migrant populations on the move again . As in the ancient past they are fleeing from war , oppression, draught , famine, whatever. Even from a purely DARWINIAN point of view , the eternal STRUGGLE FOR EXISTENCE is not intimidated by " sacrosanct " nation -state boundaries. How much of this disorder is explained by the history of American imperialism, and Old Europe colonialism ? To be sure , an American brand of FASCISM will not set things straight. Remember before " Modern Times " the Catholic Church virtually united the world ( with the common Latin language and rituals, and at its best a social philosophy not much opposed to 20th century socialism ) . Decades of black reaction have obscured the pristine Marxist SOCIALIST ideal. A masters degree in History theme suggestion : Why has the once vibrant world socialist movement been in virtual suspended animation for more than a hundred years ? Can stale Wilsonian blather , that was false more than a century ago , possibly have more mass appeal ? If so , then I suspect a new wave of 21st century FASCISM is inevitable . No victory for working class people in any country on every continent. I recall reading American socialist author Jack London's book " The Iron Heel " ( which favorably impressed the Russian revolutionary leader Leon Trotsky ). George Orwell's nightmare novel " 1984 ' has this diary note of Winston Smith : " If there is hope , it lies in the proles ".

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