Monday, August 5, 2024

Stock market news: What to know as world markets react to US jobs report

Having been hard on Trump since 2015 and soft on feeble Joe Biden since 2020, the mainstream news media in the United States, essentially controlled by WOKE WARRIOR, " liberal " Democrat, ZIONIST Jews, has already begun to deify Kamala Harris who has been nothing but a joke in " OUR democracy " since Biden chose her for vice-president. As a longtime independent democratic socialist I see a profound crisis in the capitalist TWO PARTY SYSTEM. But what have Biden-Harris done for working class Americans these past four years ? Have Biden-Harris endeared themselves to working class Black Americans ? Apart from the ONE PERCENT, just WHO is better off today in " OUR democracy " than they were four years ago ? More HOPE in the lives of working class and lower middle class Americans ? More PEACE & PROSPERITY ? Less RACISM experienced by Black Americans with WOKE WARRIORS in the White House and in the Senate and in the US Congress leading the fight for " equality " ? Does vapid , vicious DNC based " identity politics " do anything for anybody in " OUR democracy " but these petty-bourgeois social climbers in our " Culture of Narcissism " ? How many working class CHRISTIANS applauded the mocking of FAITH at the Paris Olympics ? Along with Kamala Harris ?

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