Thursday, August 8, 2024

New York City 1970s

[ "One thing I loved about growing up in the 70s everyone who I love that has passed away was still here... I miss and love you all... ".] 445 For most of the 1970s I was a young man in my twenties still very much affected by the international youth radicalization of the " Tumultuous Sixties ". Why did all that beautiful youthful energy and idealism FADE TO BLACK ? No matter how much SCIENCE you get into your head the mystery of LIFE ( and the life cycle ) lingers in your soul. I did learn even back then that TRUTH and grasping OBJECTIVE REALITY is not a fad like bell bottom pants and " DISCO " . The struggle for existence is a constant : " Staying Alive " ! For many centuries ALL the great religions of the world preach and teach COMPASSION and EMPATHY . You need " to SEE people " !

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