Monday, February 8, 2016

A " socialist " should have a less belligerent foreign policy

I hope that a less belligerent foreign policy is included in any Bernie Sanders " political revolution ". But as a democratic Socialist myself I give him critical support and I hope he wins big in the coming New Hampshire Democratic primary. No one who calls himself a " socialist " should find inspiration and guidance in the thoughts and deeds of Henry Kissinger. From the grave Chile's assassinated " Marxist " president, Salvadore Allende, points a skeletal finger at him.
For many democratic socialists this " war on terrorism " seems a phony cover for the New Colonialism in the Middle East. Check out all the former colonialist European powers-led by the United States- now daily gang banging war ruined Syria.
As for Hillary's email " scandal "  I judge it by the Edward Snowden school of government secrecy. Most of these TOP SECRETS would only shame the decent minded American people.
Bernie Sanders claims to admire American socialist legend Eugene V. Debs. He should read Debs famous, anti-war Canton Speech. And also think harder about his prospects in the Democratic Party establishment.

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