Friday, February 26, 2016

Noam Chomsky- both parties have drifted to the LEFT ???

"During the last generation, both political parties have drifted to the
left, said Noam Chomsky as he criticized their ambitions for wealth and
power instead of getting more votes."
ERROR ? Coming from a leftist like Noam Chomsky this sentence makes no sense at all: " both parties have drifted to left ".... ? The opposite is true : both parties have drifted to the right. So some Republicans can imagine that the Goldman Sachs cheerleader, Hillary Clinton, is a Marxist. Ask aging pop singer Pat Boone who said that President Obama was a Marxist too: " He does not want anybody to get rich " .
It would make more sense for Chomsky to be a critical supporter of Democrat Bernie Sanders rather than the " lesser evil " Hillary Clinton.
As a democratic socialist myself I think Sanders scorned should team up with Jill Stein of the Green Party.

Dec 14, 2014 -  "  Both parties have drifted to the right. We don't have a real Democrat party anymore, they all became moderate Republicans with D's next to their ...]

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