Monday, February 15, 2016

Corrupt Chinese legal scholars mourn Supreme Court 's Judge Scalia

Corrupted by Chinese capitalism, itself a corruption of socialism, corrupted by a Chinese Communist Party that betrayed even Mao Thought, the Chinese legal scholars have delusions about the American Supreme Court being " independent " of the American ruling class. Just recently one Big Energy lackey credited the Supreme Court with saving the polluting coal industry in defiance of public opinion. Democratic socialism , if it takes root in the United States, would ultimately abolish our Supreme Court. Indeed many black robed YOUR HONORS would be retired. Find ONE today who is openly contemptuous of capitalism and sacrosanct private property. To be sure , the present Supreme Court protected the free speech rights of for profit corporations by calling them " persons ". Judicial brilliance indeed.
  [  "   The coal industry isn’t exactly popular in polite circles these days. Michael Bloomberg’s Bloomberg Philanthropies teamed up with the Sierra Club for a campaign that boasts about how many coal-fired electric power plants it has forced closed. But our Supreme Court stuck to the law and protected the coal-burning companies who had nowhere else to turn. "]

Chinese judges now imitate bourgeois judges in the United States

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