Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Bourgeois feminism died in Iowa primary last night

    As a democratic Socialist myself I favored Bernie Sanders in the Iowa primary. The stunning " Rocky " finish for Bernie Sanders with victory predicted in New Hampshire gives " political revolution " the momentum in 2016 presidential campaign.There is a class polarization in America , and Hillary Clinton imagines that she can embrace both Wall St. greed -vulture capitalism - and " progressive politics ". The American plutocracy will never sell Ayn Rand thought to working-middle class voters.
Socialism is not anathema in the heartland USA, after all. Hillary is just my age. I think she has betrayed any idealism she had in her activist youth. Ted Kennedy's dream of health care as a basic human right is unacceptable to the neo-Democrat Hillary. The neo -Democrats make FDR seem like a flaming Bolshevik.
Most Americans are getting sick of their " identity politics "- a shabby distraction from economic and social justice issues. Bourgeois feminism died in Iowa last night.
But " socialist " Bernie Sanders should inspire the formation of an American Labor Party. The neo-liberal Democratic Party is a dead.
A moral victory for Sanders in Iowa

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