Sunday, February 28, 2016

" White Privilege " surfaces at the Academy Awards

Race Card shown at Academy Awards It  is just a scientific FACT that no race or ethnic group has a monopoly on brains, talent, or character. But I think too many brainlessly " politically correct " celebrities -and politicians with a " race card " agenda- are simply stirring up an invidious -and phony- controversy.  I am sure there are plenty of black actors and actresses certain to be recognized  at some point in their careers. Shouting and demanding RECOGNITION in the real rat race world is just self-humiliating and an indication of mediocre talent.

         " White privilege " is a hot issue only among the black bourgeoisie- people who are already privileged and quite comfortable themselves. But a Culture of Narcissism makes ALL " successful " Americans insecure and often neurotic for MORE, more applause, more money, more intoxicating SUCCESS in American Consumer Heaven.

      I recommend they read Samuel Johnson's " The Vanity of Human Wishes ". And  have a kind thought for all of us obscure " losers " - like those annoying " socialists " out there worried about more substantial issues.

     I read that Bernie Sanders- a democratic socialist or a " socialist " Democrat- is fairly popular in the Hollywood world as a presidential candidate.  In general , democratic socialists shun " identity politics ", do not strive to be the darling of any particular race or ethnic group. 
Even working class whites  enjoy  " white privilege "  ?

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