Saturday, February 20, 2016

NPR article on Rhode Island Bernie Sanders campaign worker, Tad Devine

Tad Devine, Bernie Sanders campaign adviser
Very interesting NPR story on this campaign worker for " socialist " Democrat, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont. I see Bernie as basically a New Deal Liberal but I like his boldness about " democratic socialism ". Tad Devine might confirm the Rhode Island Democratic Primary poll which predicts for Sanders as big a victory here as he had recently in New Hampshire ( 60 percent vs. Hillary ) .
" We're seeing younger African-American voters turn to Bernie ",says Devine. I think the neo-Democrats -like Hillary Clinton- have exhausted identity politics. Try selling " white privilege " to jobless white working class people. Trying selling " white privilege " to homeless, mentally ill white people. Way back in 1965 , Malcolm X was connecting racism with capitalism. THAT is talking " political revolution ".
Tad Devine, Sanders campaign adviser

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