Sunday, February 28, 2016

Bernie Sanders is still useful to progressive voters-and still competitive with Hillary

Hillary Clinton wins South Carolina primary
As a democratic socialist myself I have been a " critical supporter " of " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders of Vermont. No " socialist " will strive to make himself or herself the darling of any particular race or ethnic group. Black Americans with their " Black Lives Matter " chants have been terrorized into playing it safe with those establishment politicians who at least seem to be sympathetic to their particular plight.
But democratic socialists see the root of much misery and social injustice in economic inequality. Pro-capitalist Hillary will never correct the innate flaws of the capitalist profit system- despite her good will toward the have nots and her good intentions.
As a serious " socialist " Bernie Sanders functions in the toxic environment of the corrupt Democratic Party. As " independent " Ralph Nader said many times we really have ONE party ruling America- the party of the corporate rich.
Bernie is still very competitive and useful to progressives running for president in Democratic primaries. But a scorned Bernie Sanders should consider teaming up with Jill Stein of the Green Party.
I do intend to vote for Sanders in the Rhode Island Democratic Party Primary. I see no reason why he should not win big here as he did in neighboring New Hampshire ( 60 percent ! ).
The " political revolution " is inspired by this good and decent man. But Bernie Sanders is NOT the revolution.No, alone he is not even radical reform.
But we still " Feel The Bern " .

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