Monday, February 29, 2016

Whatever the fate of Bernie Sanders POLITICAL REVOLUTION has arrived in the USA of the new millennium

Bernie Sanders commands the respect of many independent , " democratic socialists " who appreciate his focus on unacceptable economic inequality rather than the false drama of fatuous identity politics. He is the overwhelming favorite of young and " progressive " voters presently inclined to vote Democrat. It is about time that some Democrat revive the spirit of the New Deal and challenge the moral legitimacy of even " legitimate " wealth.

Democratic socialists have always had a preference for the Marxist explanation of capitalist profit making: the labor theory of value. Our society's wealth is the collective product of intellectual and physical labor of its working/middle class. Our " job creators " are not even very good at that. They resemble more and more the Robber Barons of the 19th century.

An establishment scorned Bernie Sanders should inspire the formation of an American Labor Party -with a bold socialist agenda.

He might also team up with Jill Stein, the presidential candidate of the Green Party.
Whatever the fate of Bernie Sanders POLITICAL REVOLUTION has arrived in the USA of the new millennium. Let the ruling class tremble . 

    We don't need the capitalists. They are even ruining the Good Earth.

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