Saturday, February 6, 2016

Bernie Sanders will also win the Rhode Island Democratic Primary

Why Donald Trump is Moscow's favorite
   On the real Left NPR is described as " Fox Lite " ". Like the post Cold War neo-Democrats they are even nervous over " socialist " Bernie Sanders. But don't think for a moment the Kremlin oligarchs, led by Vladimir Putin, wink at Democrat Sanders . They hate and fear any revival of democratic socialism- which they betrayed long before the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 90s .Read Leon Trotsky's " The Revolution Betrayed ".
How odd that the New Czar of Russia, Vladimir Putin, smears Vladimir Lenin as a catastrophe for Holy Mother Russia.He gets the new Orthodox Pope to bless Putin !
Lenin was perhaps the greatest revolutionary of all time ( so said the New York Times circa 1917 ). With the 100th anniversary of the Bolshevik revolution approaching, the world plutocrats are haunted by Lenin's ghost.
" Socialist " Bernie Sanders is calling for POLITICAL REVOLUTION.
NPR is not happy about Bernie .I give him " critical support ". As a registered Democrat in Rhode Island I might vote for him in the primary. Sanders is now even with Hillary Clinton in national polls. I am sure he will win in New Hampshire and here in Rhode Island.

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