Thursday, February 25, 2016

Does working class America -do the majority of voters- have a conservative soul ?

Republicans to debate in Texas
So Ted Cruz pretends to be or is the hardest of the hardline conservatives ? And he suspects the erratic Donald Trump of having a liberal soul ? What about the soul of the nation ? Is a " democratic socialist " like Bernie Sanders wrong to think that America- the vast majority of working and ruined middle class voters- has a SOCIALIST soul ?.
Anyway, it is inconceivable that Ayn Rand- a militant atheist by the way- is as popular in mainstream America as she is in today's Republican Party. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio never spoke with affection for the author of " The Virtue of Selfishness " ?
And these same Republicans are now appealing to " conservative " Christians - who at least take the Sermon on the Mount seriously ?
Soon the soul of Texas will speak. A large voter turn out in Election 2016 will favor " progressive " candidates . Sanders is right about that.
What champion of " democracy " will wish for a low voter turn out-even in a state primary ?

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