Friday, February 5, 2016

Bernie Sanders - a kinder, gentler voice of " coming revolution "

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As a democratic Socialist myself I am a critical supporter of Bernie Sanders. But in truth he is more of an FDR " progressive " than a radical " socialist ". His call for " political revolution " should resonate with millions of younger voters now inclined to vote Democrat.
          Bernie is a dissident voice in the pro-capitalist , pro-war Democratic Party. Ralph Nader explained again and again that both the Democratic and Republican Parties are controlled by Corporate America, by the BIG MONEY, by our ruling class. Rather than serve the ONE PERCENT as Hillary's vice-president, Bernie Sanders should form an independent ( from the ruling class) American Labor Party.
        Poor Hillary is a victim of Sanders' " artful smear "  ? Sanders is more polite than Donald Trump. But a highly compromised " liberal "-and EGOCENTRIC- politician like Hillary must think that any clear enough spoken truth about her is a  personal attack, an " artful smear ".
       It is a big lie to think that economic inequality is a separate issue from racial and gender oppression-or the ignorant backwardness that breeds homophobia.
      Women in general and black people and gay people who still feel oppressed or socially humiliated -after 8 years of an oh-so-politically correct, Democratic president, Barack Obama-should start listening to democratic Socialists. Bernie Sanders is very much a kinder, gentler voice of the coming " political revolution " in  America.

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