Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Working class Americans who voted for Trump were all about " white power " ?

It does not fit the ruling class controlled Democratic Party's " identity politics " theme of racialism . Only SOCIALISTS have a CLASS analysis of the political crisis of decaying American capitalism with its moribund imperialism - on the brink of war with half the other nation states on the planet.

What did Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama do for working class black people , for the homeless and jobless ? You present " Wall St. Hillary " as the champion of the oppressed ? Will they all be liberated by nuclear World War III with " evil " Russia ? The Democrats are promoting this HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism .

What is " liberal " or " humanist " about contempt for white working class Americans ? Just who can you identify with ? The Black bourgeoisie, jaded middle class feminists, militant Zionists supporting Apartheid Israel, neurotic affluent gay people always looking for the nth dimension of homophobia ? Confused and manipulated trans-gendered individuals ? The victims of medical and psychiatric malpractice ?

We democratic socialists prefer the generic WORKING CLASS of ALL races and ethnic identities. We see economic inequality as fundamental issue in American politics.

    We tell the working class : YOU HAVE NO FRIENDS IN THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY . Nor in Trump's Junta !

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