Speaking not as a fan of Trump or of conservative Republicans but as a democratic socialist I can only deplore the mainstream news media's smearing and vilification of Donald Trump - who is more closer in many ways to Hollywood " liberals " than they are to " Hawk Hillary ", " Wall St. Hillary ", " Corrupt Hillary ".
Why was not Trump unmasked as a KKK type racist or a Hitler fan long ago ? Because he was NEVER a deranged fascist type !
But the BIG LIE of the Democrats contains the seeds of real fascism . Their support for an American police state is more sinister than Trump's reactionary blather. Think about the Edward Snowden affair and his WARNING TO AMERICA in the Oliver Stone movie .
Just why- oh- why did Establishment USA support Hillary Clinton ? So much latent DECENCY in the CIA , the FBI , the mainstream news media, the corrupt labor unions, the military industrial complex, Homeland Security ? WHO is the fascist ?
Were all those prisoners in the American Gulag - many of them black and Latino - cheering for Hillary Clinton ?
Why was not Trump unmasked as a KKK type racist or a Hitler fan long ago ? Because he was NEVER a deranged fascist type !
But the BIG LIE of the Democrats contains the seeds of real fascism . Their support for an American police state is more sinister than Trump's reactionary blather. Think about the Edward Snowden affair and his WARNING TO AMERICA in the Oliver Stone movie .
Just why- oh- why did Establishment USA support Hillary Clinton ? So much latent DECENCY in the CIA , the FBI , the mainstream news media, the corrupt labor unions, the military industrial complex, Homeland Security ? WHO is the fascist ?
Were all those prisoners in the American Gulag - many of them black and Latino - cheering for Hillary Clinton ?