Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Listen to Playboy's Hugh Hefner or live bimbo free ?
To a degree Hugh Hefner was " liberating " : Along with Alfred Kinsey ( and even Wihelm Reich ) his vocation paved the way for the famous " Sexual Revolution " of the 60s and 70s.
But like alcohol sexual indulgence can be a road to sordid slavery and intellectual degeneration( read Zola's " Nana " ). Both Charles Darwin and the Catholic Church are on the same page when they remind us that human sexuality is Nature's way of assuring the reproduction of the species.
That wise old philosopher Bertrand Russell thought that sex should not occupy more than one percent of your mental life. But he wrote that when he over 80 - and after four divorces.
The great Roman philosopher Seneca taught me to forgive hypocrisy . How much of Seneca 's wisdom rubbed off on young Nero ?
If we were less hypocritical, prostitution would be both legalized and more sanitary. A common theme in modern literature - especially French literature : legal marriage as a form of respectable " prostitution " .
But it is better to live like a Dark Age monk - less stress, less anxiety for THE FUTURE and most of all bimbo free .
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