Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Monday, September 25, 2017
" Disaster Socialism " will be the aftermath of nuclear war
Trump's belligerent UN speech-judging by Netanyahu, popular in Apartheid Israel- could easily inspire every " third world " nation to quickly build up its own nuclear arsenal : may a thousand mushroom clouds blossom ?
But is not END OF THE WORLD nuclear war a classic supra-class issue ? I am sure even the Wall St. wolves want to enjoy THEIR " way of life " - to be sure , not OUR way of life in the American working class.
I do recall one notorious ideologue of nuclear warfare , Herman Kahn, saying " disaster socialism " will be the aftermath of a nuclear holocaust. Not what WE have in mind exactly - we global socialists.
I recall Erich Fromm mentioning this guy in his still relevant " The Sane Society "( Forget about Fromm's political " program ! ).
It would blow my mind to hear any " socialist " wink at the US nuclear arsenal and a possible nuclear World War III .
Socialism or barbarism ? Or socialism and nothingness - with H.P. Lovecraft's " idiot god " Azathoth having the last nihilistic laugh ?
Herman Kahn ... after an attack, in his view, would be commandeered and shared without owner identity in collective misery (one might say, “disaster socialism”).
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