Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Where does SOCIALISM get the money ? We take it from the rich !
The Bernie Sanders health care plan is doomed to be as compromised and disappointing as Obamacare. Why ? Well, Sanders has no real SOCIALIST vision for someone who calls himself a " socialist "- in the midst of the pro-capitalist Democratic Party reeking of Wall Street influence.
Real democratic socialists tell you exactly how to get the money for more humane social agendas: you take it from the wealthy, you take it from the military industrial complex, you take it from the banks and from BIG ENERGY companies. You put BIG BUSINESS out of business.
The exploiters and parasites of the world get no consolation prize for their loss.
The working class just takes back all the surplus value it created. Having to live like everybody else is sufficient " punishment " for the rich .
The human race existed for some 100,000 years without these " job creating " capitalists.
Mother Nature was never a rotten boss.
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