Saturday, September 16, 2017

Does NPR ever interview an honest democratic socialist ?

Harvard Withdraws Fellowship Invitation To Chelsea Manning

The working class Left observed long ago that there is a pro-capitalist , pro-imperialist pseudo-Left - always connected to the " liberal " Democratic Party - that has a long history of hostility to the American tradition of free speech and free thought. To be sure, President Trump gets one thing right : the mainstream news media is mostly FAKE NEWS . But this fake news is in the service of the military industrial complex - which wanted " Corrupt Hillary " to be the president of the United States.
Does NPR ever oppose a stupid war or a jackass military operation ? No, but they loved " Hawk Hillary ", " Wall St. Hillary ". Do they ever interview an honest democratic socialist ?

The working class Left commends Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden as heroes of populist democracy. You cannot find a single really " progressive " voice on any ivy league college campus today not stifled, intimidated , or silenced by the DEEP STATE , the shadow government of the American plutocracy.

               So many academic hacks - pro-capitalist and pro-imperialist no matter how politically correct they pretend to be.

             Harvard University serves not TRUTH but the American plutocracy.

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