There was no need to vilify this old " Dancing Cop " Tony Lepore. There is no significant " white supremacy " movement in the US and " white privilege " is a fiction of the neo-liberal hacks of the Democratic Party. What a paragon they have in " Corrupt Hillary " .
It is morally wrong to smear this socially conservative Italo-American cop as one of " The Haters " when in all probability he does not have a mean or a racist bone in his body.
Speaking ON THE LEFT I have observed the vicious nature of DNC based " identity politics " and political correctness demands worthy of the Gestapo. I have observed this pseudo-Left attack on the American tradition of free speech and free thought.

It is morally wrong to smear this socially conservative Italo-American cop as one of " The Haters " when in all probability he does not have a mean or a racist bone in his body.
Speaking ON THE LEFT I have observed the vicious nature of DNC based " identity politics " and political correctness demands worthy of the Gestapo. I have observed this pseudo-Left attack on the American tradition of free speech and free thought.

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