Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Facebook Faces Increasing Scrutiny Over Election-Related Russian Ads

In no way will the Democrats regain political power by smearing Putin as the ogre of the 2016 presidential election. By 2018 it will be a very stale issue. Even now they are unable to connect with working class interests. And they have utterly alienated the white working class.

     The Democrats will also get nowhere by smearing Trump as KKK type racist and " white supremacist ". What plutocrat Donald Trump really is : the perfect representative of the American ruling class : " The Arrogance of Power " personified.

To think that Vladimir Putin in Russia could somehow sabotage a non-existent " democracy " in Capitalist America - where the plutocracy owns both the Democratic and Republican parties.

            But the New McCarthyism- promoted by the neo-Democrats- is just as dumb as the old McCarthyism.

            Why not ask the American working class to VOTE ON NUCLEAR WORLD WAR III ? The Pentagon would lose by a landslide .

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