Wednesday, September 6, 2017

President Donald Trump - son of Azathoth - H.P. Lovecraft's " blind idiot god "

Will US threats against North Korea yield a global catastrophe?

[ Lovecraft referred to Azathoth again in "The Whisperer in Darkness" (1931), where the narrator relates that he "started with loathing when told of the monstrous nuclear chaos beyond angled space which the Necronomiconhad mercifully cloaked under the name of Azathoth". ]

" The Day After " the US military uses a nuclear weapon against North Korea will be a momentous " Day of Infamy " setting the character of the 21st century- the END not the beginning of another " American Century ". Every day will be " Ash Wednesday ". LIFE on earth will never be the same. Even beyond the tragic class struggle WE will be one more failed species -but directly responsible for another Age of Extinction - like the Permian .

The famous scientist Linus Pauling called the world's attention to this nuclear horror future in the more optimistic 60s. There was a passionate BAN THE BOMB movement. No surprise that Pauling too was a convinced socialist . So was Albert Einstein, sad late in life that humans on the whole had not changed their ways of thinking.

My niece is expecting a baby girl around Christmas time. So HOPE is vital to the future of civilization. How disappointed I am in the generation that said : " Don't trust people over 30 ". Where was 70 year old Donald Trump in 1968 ? Presently he is the PERFECT representative of the American ruling class- worthy of H.P. Lovecraft 's Azathoth - " the blind idiot god ". All Lovecraft's weird tales were variations on the theme of " cosmic horror ". He too defended the idea of socialism -mixed up with Old New England prejudice-checked by uncompromising scientific " materialism " . Too bad he did not live to August 1945- and read his " Providence Journal " headlines about the fate of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. More stuff of " cosmic horror " !

Why is Azathoth called the blind idiot god? : Lovecraft - Reddit

Azathoth is Lovecraft's image of the materialistic universe: unable to see nor comprehend itself, since there is no cosmic mind to do so.]
Image result for Linus Pauling , Ban The Bomb
Linus Pauling and " BAN THE BOMB "

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