Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Monday, August 31, 2015
" Unprecedented migrant crisis " ?
Migrant crisis
An unprecedented migrant crisis ? Driven by refugees fleeing Syria,
Afghanistan, Iraq ? This only confirms the left-wing view, here in our
country, that the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan
early in the new century was the greatest foreign policy blunder in
U.S. history. Now it rises to the level of a crime against humanity. The
U.S. created these terrorist gangs and now it has no moral authority
to lead the war against terrorism anywhere on the planet.
We read about these poor,terrified immigrants suffocating by the hundreds inside NO EXIT trucks, drowning in the hulls of floating ship wrecks. Our own Republican candidate for president Bully Chris Christie-wanting to out-bully Bully Donald Trump-says he would treat the hordes of Mexican " illegal aliens " crossing the border as " FED-EX packages ". Oh, the humanity !
It seems that Karl Marx was quite right declaring in 1848 in his " Communist Manifesto " that the workers of the world have no country .
Our own America belongs to the ONE PERCENT.
Only socialist internationalism can check this evil.It needs a stronger voice than Bernie Sanders.
We read about these poor,terrified immigrants suffocating by the hundreds inside NO EXIT trucks, drowning in the hulls of floating ship wrecks. Our own Republican candidate for president Bully Chris Christie-wanting to out-bully Bully Donald Trump-says he would treat the hordes of Mexican " illegal aliens " crossing the border as " FED-EX packages ". Oh, the humanity !
It seems that Karl Marx was quite right declaring in 1848 in his " Communist Manifesto " that the workers of the world have no country .
Our own America belongs to the ONE PERCENT.
Only socialist internationalism can check this evil.It needs a stronger voice than Bernie Sanders.
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Donald Trump and " authoritarian democracy "
Donald Trump's " populism " What does the writer mean by ” authoritarian democracy “? Donald Trump
is a budding fascist- a God sent to the far right-- right from Hollywood
central casting. Like Hitler Trump needs a scapegoat. Hitler had the
Jews. Trump has those hordes of Mexican illegal aliens.
As a democratic Socialist myself I give critical support to the Democrat Bernie Sanders. The profound crisis of capitalism makes the nervous and always insecure middle class people long for a VOICE – a strong man. Now they have ” The Donald “. Working class people think they have Bernie. We do have the class struggle !
As a democratic Socialist myself I give critical support to the Democrat Bernie Sanders. The profound crisis of capitalism makes the nervous and always insecure middle class people long for a VOICE – a strong man. Now they have ” The Donald “. Working class people think they have Bernie. We do have the class struggle !
Stalinism-not an inevitable outcome of socialism
Bernie Sanders tells the truth about racism USA As a democratic Socialist and a registered Democrat
in Cranston I am very much interested in the Bernie Sanders phenomenon.
The " communist " label in the past just served to associate a citizen
with a foreign conspiracy centered in Moscow. And only dishonest writers
will associate " socialism " today with the horrors of Stalinism- not an
inevitable outcome of state ownership of the means of production.
A socialist will explain that racism in general has CLASS roots. In the last year of his life the Black Muslim Malcolm X made this connection between racism and capitalism and imperialism.
Even Martin Luther King was cynical about American capitalism.
A socialist will explain that racism in general has CLASS roots. In the last year of his life the Black Muslim Malcolm X made this connection between racism and capitalism and imperialism.
Even Martin Luther King was cynical about American capitalism.
An ignorant connection between the candidate and Nazism |
Famous Psychiatrist Oliver Sacks dies
NPR obituary of Dr. Oliver Sacks
I became intimately acquainted with the boyhood of Oliver Sacks by
reading his book " Uncle Tungsten-Memories of a Chemical Boyhood ". He
had a sensuous love for the elements, beautiful minerals, crystals of
geometric perfection. Do high school chemistry students today have an
olfactory appreciation of old fashioned experimental chemistry ?
" I used a zinc rod,sticking it first in a solution of copper sulfate, and got a gorgeous encrustration ,a copper plating all around it .... My taste was for the spectacular-the frothings,the incandescences, the stinks, and the bangs,which almost define a first entry into chemistry ".
You Tube now makes possible for any science student a sensuous experience of the world of THINGS. I watched hydrogen ignite myself after reading about a mysterious explosion on a Rhode Island beach. A series titled " The Periodic Table of Videos ".
One chapter in " Uncle Tungsten " is titled : " Humphrey Davy-A Poet Chemist ".
Oliver Sacks became a sensitive, compassionate Poet-Psychiatrist .Alas, a 19th century soul.
" I used a zinc rod,sticking it first in a solution of copper sulfate, and got a gorgeous encrustration ,a copper plating all around it .... My taste was for the spectacular-the frothings,the incandescences, the stinks, and the bangs,which almost define a first entry into chemistry ".
You Tube now makes possible for any science student a sensuous experience of the world of THINGS. I watched hydrogen ignite myself after reading about a mysterious explosion on a Rhode Island beach. A series titled " The Periodic Table of Videos ".
One chapter in " Uncle Tungsten " is titled : " Humphrey Davy-A Poet Chemist ".
Oliver Sacks became a sensitive, compassionate Poet-Psychiatrist .Alas, a 19th century soul.
Donald Trump, fascism, " It can't Happen Here "
The " charisma " of Donald Trump" The
Donald " is an interesting character to be sure. " The Donald " cannot
solve the fundamental contradictions of the capitalist system here.
Neither can " socialist " Democrat Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont.
Sanders is also attracting enthusiastic crowds. But Sanders at least
sees our problems as systemic.
A profound crisis of capitalism creates an emotional need in the insecure but relatively privileged middle class for a " strong man ". The more literate fans of Sanders might recall a novel by Sinclair Lewis, " It Can't Happen Here " - about the rise of fascism in America.
Fascism always needs a scapegoat. In Nazi Germany it was the Jews. Here it might be the hordes of illegal Mexican immigrants.
In America left-wing " intellectuals " will be persecuted. That insanity began when the far right started calling President Obama and Hillary Clinton " Marxist socialists " -in defiance of all truth.
For real socialism let them check out my blog []
I am a critical supporter of Bernie Sanders-mostly critical.
A profound crisis of capitalism creates an emotional need in the insecure but relatively privileged middle class for a " strong man ". The more literate fans of Sanders might recall a novel by Sinclair Lewis, " It Can't Happen Here " - about the rise of fascism in America.
Fascism always needs a scapegoat. In Nazi Germany it was the Jews. Here it might be the hordes of illegal Mexican immigrants.
In America left-wing " intellectuals " will be persecuted. That insanity began when the far right started calling President Obama and Hillary Clinton " Marxist socialists " -in defiance of all truth.
For real socialism let them check out my blog []
I am a critical supporter of Bernie Sanders-mostly critical.
British socialist laughs at our political ignorance
It just amuses me to hear Americans labelling what are very clearly
capitalists as socialists/communists. I'm a British socialist, from my
perspective the USA doesn't even have a left; you have a right and a far
right. Our current right wing Prime Minister is quite a bit to the left
of your supposedly communist President. You have to laugh.
" Socialist " Sanders should speak out against U.S. war preparations
As a registered Democrat in Rhode Island I already know " what Bernie
Sanders stands for " : modestly for some sort of " socialist " ideal.
That makes me very interested in HIM in contrast to the Democratic Party
machine. Here in Rhode Island it does nothing for the working class.
Governor Gina Raimondo is a Hillary clone. She too is associated with
Wall St. and now in office she supervises cruel Medicaid cuts-which in
true Orwellian fashion she says will improve the health care system.
Bernie should speak out more against U.S. war preparations in the Middle East.
Sounds like a good idea to me. It would quickly solve the homeless
problem, and the employment problem-and the environmental problem. And
will bring peace to the Middle East.A warning from French Nobel
Prize winner Albert Camus-also a democratic Socialist : " In fighting
our enemies let us not come to resemble them." Stalin never got that
message. In fact he did not get socialism at all.
Bernie should speak out more against U.S. war preparations in the Middle East.
"some sort of " socialist " ideal"
socialism (noun): a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
None of you seem to have even the faintest idea what socialism or communism are - I blame the schools.
socialism (noun): a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Hillary Clinton and Gina Raimondo-birds of a feather |
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Billions for military do not make us safe from terrorists
Saving " upward mobility " ?
Sandy MacLeod
a democratic Socialist I will not bemoan the passing of " upward
mobility " which really means the opportunity the capitalist education
system gives you to rise above and finally betray your working class
It is simply in the interest of CIVILIZATION that all individuals have access to higher education.
It is simply in the interest of CIVILIZATION that all individuals have access to higher education.
a stupid war or two, and skip money pits like the F35, and we could
send all our children to public university for free. Much better use of
tax money IMHO.
was ridiculous for this nation to declare " war " on so vague an evil
as " terrorism ". These terrorists are mostly ignorant, pathetic,
scattered GANGS -with grandiose and cracked ambitions and hallucinations
for some earthy paradise- that U.S. imperialism somehow frustrates. But
of what use are nuclear weapons and aircraft carriers against ragtag
terrorists ?
We can cut billions of dollars from the military budget and still be safe from THEM. The money can go to higher education.
We can cut billions of dollars from the military budget and still be safe from THEM. The money can go to higher education.
Stephen Chapman and Joy Oswald-despicable capitalist landlords !
Creep landlord checked by judge-for now It is not enough to view these particular landlords as
ethically challenged. We have a political and legal system in this
country which puts private property rights above basic human rights. A
socialist government will not only challenge these sacrosanct capitalist
privileges, it will outlaw and abolish PROPERTY RIGHT wherever it
undermines human dignity.
But as human beings in the " real world " of the here and now, Stephen Chapman and Joy Oswald are despicable parasites.
But as human beings in the " real world " of the here and now, Stephen Chapman and Joy Oswald are despicable parasites.
Middletown cottage residents fight landlord |
Does a capitalist woman's perspective make any difference ?
More bourgeois women in high places ?The modern women's liberation movement in the United States was inspired
by a book titled " The Feminine Mystique " by Betty Friedan. The
feminist writer of this article seems to suggest that more generic
political power should be offered to women. Most women who even daydream
about high government office are already CLASS privileged. Should
working class women seek political power ? Yes, of course. But it is
more important that they bring a CLASS perspective to the office than
the shallow perspective of an upper class female.
If the woman in power is a true believer in capitalism,how will she be an improvement-with her" woman's perspective " - on a reactionary male ? Is Hillary any better for us than Bill, both liberal Democrats ?
If the woman in power is a true believer in capitalism,how will she be an improvement-with her" woman's perspective " - on a reactionary male ? Is Hillary any better for us than Bill, both liberal Democrats ?
Contempt for the unemployed
I agree completely with the distraught father that " crazies " should
not have access to deadly weapons. But we are all in greater collective
danger when " crazies " have access to high office in many nations. I
recall beloved right winger Barry Goldwater in 1964. He too was a big
fan of the NRA. Every right-thinking cowboy must have a big bad gun. HE
Should American psychiatrists who supervise torture techniques for the CIA decide which mentally ill individuals should be denied gun rights ?
But forget about gun rights here. Do the mentally ill even have right to be treated in capitalist America ? All those homeless-and angry-mentally ill people living in the streets, not even recognized by our broken mental health system.
After he was fired the gay-black -male, Bryce Williams, sank into sordid poverty-another despised IDENTITY .Was he even looking for work ? Nobody saw RAGE coming back with a vengeance ? UNEMPLOYED PEOPLE MATTER !
Should American psychiatrists who supervise torture techniques for the CIA decide which mentally ill individuals should be denied gun rights ?
But forget about gun rights here. Do the mentally ill even have right to be treated in capitalist America ? All those homeless-and angry-mentally ill people living in the streets, not even recognized by our broken mental health system.
After he was fired the gay-black -male, Bryce Williams, sank into sordid poverty-another despised IDENTITY .Was he even looking for work ? Nobody saw RAGE coming back with a vengeance ? UNEMPLOYED PEOPLE MATTER !
Yes, history matters !
The importance of History teachingThe article makes some good points on the importance of history teaching
in the public schools.I wonder how many NPR listeners are familiar with
this " critic " Irving Howe ? In one of his last books " A Margin of
Hope " he explains why he never abandoned the socialist ideals of his
youth. Howe could easily explain why our public schools are so shy about
encouraging " critical thinking skills ". HISTORY teaches that public
schools were meant to serve the needs of the rising industrial
capitalist class. They needed literate, skilled workers but certainly
not working class CRITICS.
Do you think low income Providence high school students will soon be reading excerpts from Howard Zinn's " A People History of the United States " ? Yes, slavery is gone but wage slavery described by Marx has not disappeared. Das Kapital is still relevant.
From a New York Jewish background, Howe became famous for his book " The World of Our Fathers ". He explained why so many Jewish " New York intellectuals " were drawn to the socialist movement during the Great Depression. Many were later victimized by the McCarthy anti-communist witchhunts of the 1950s. Yes, history matters !
Do you think low income Providence high school students will soon be reading excerpts from Howard Zinn's " A People History of the United States " ? Yes, slavery is gone but wage slavery described by Marx has not disappeared. Das Kapital is still relevant.
From a New York Jewish background, Howe became famous for his book " The World of Our Fathers ". He explained why so many Jewish " New York intellectuals " were drawn to the socialist movement during the Great Depression. Many were later victimized by the McCarthy anti-communist witchhunts of the 1950s. Yes, history matters !
" Keep guns away from crazies " ?
The issue here, after yet another sickening, nationally televised murder, is not gun control vs.better mental health care. We
are rightly perceived as the Wild West among civilized nations in making
deadly weapons available to just about anybody. But also our mental
health system stinks. Mr. Parker wants " to keep guns away from the
crazies ". I wonder how pacifists and anti-war activists here would view that remark. Reflect on the
" Black Lives Matter ! " crusade against reckless police brutality.
And psychiatrists who hire themselves out as torture experts for the CIA are going to tell us which mentally ill citizens are unfit to own guns ? But the war monger leaders can " possess " nuclear weapons ? Should the working class in general be completely disarmed ?
With the exception of " socialist " Bernie Sanders, which candidates for president raise the question of this nation's social sanity ? Naturally most of our mental health professionals support the capitalist status quo. They preach the gospel of adjustment and conformity to a highly irrational-and unjust social order.
Alison Parker's father crusades for gun control
And psychiatrists who hire themselves out as torture experts for the CIA are going to tell us which mentally ill citizens are unfit to own guns ? But the war monger leaders can " possess " nuclear weapons ? Should the working class in general be completely disarmed ?
With the exception of " socialist " Bernie Sanders, which candidates for president raise the question of this nation's social sanity ? Naturally most of our mental health professionals support the capitalist status quo. They preach the gospel of adjustment and conformity to a highly irrational-and unjust social order.
Alison Parker's father crusades for gun control
Friday, August 28, 2015
Right wing talk radio smears the homeless in Kennedy Plaza
The prejudice against homeless people in Kennedy Plaza is being made respectable by the likes of right-wing Talk Radio host John DePetro. How WANTED do you think you would be as an employee if you even looked homeless ?
Have you ever looked for a job without being clean, showered and shaved, and fairly well dressed ? And NOT exhausted from lack of sleep ?
Have you ever looked for a job without being clean, showered and shaved, and fairly well dressed ? And NOT exhausted from lack of sleep ?
The sickness of these identity fanatics
Our sick culture of gun fanaticism and narcissistic " identity " nurtured the madness growing in this man, " Bryce Williams ". A creepy video indeed. The pseudo-liberal obsession with identity is poisoning political debate. Many decent people fear to speak their mind out of fear of being branded one of the "haters ". Was it not enough that his community did not want to hurt or humiliate this gay-black -male ? Deep down the identity fanatics do not want simple EQUALITY. They want to be SPECIAL. They want to be fawned upon and adored. What is more pointless than searching for the nth dimension of civil rights or gay rights or women's " liberation ", of being in a permanent readiness to " take offense " at any perceived slight ? By the way, I am a democratic Socialist and a critical supporter of Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont. I prefer to think in terms of CLASS-without a chip on my shoulder or personal hatred for wealthy individuals.

Providence demonstration for the rights of the homeless in Kennedy Plaza
How long have we been reading about the homeless problem in Providence ? And about the harassment of homeless people by the police-- ALWAYS in the service of the business community and private property ?
Mayor Elorza would have the advocates for the homeless believe he is diligently " working on the problem ". Soon it will be solved with a stroke of his pen!
But only a SOCIALIST society can boldly tell all these smug and insensitive property owners that their property rights are NULL AND VOID. Human rights come first !
My complements to that kind social worker, Melissa Lacroix.
" They fail to isolate and indict the root forces that put people on the street. At times unintentionally but often with intention, they promote blurred, complicated reasons for homelessness because they possess a prominent stake in this system. To actually identify the cause of homelessness is very difficult because it would take a complete rearranging of perspective. Still, the truth stares us all in the face.
The cause of homelessness is private property. It is exacerbated by the ability to accumulate wealth from the ownership of homes and other property through the charging of rent. "
The real cause of homelessness
Mayor Elorza would have the advocates for the homeless believe he is diligently " working on the problem ". Soon it will be solved with a stroke of his pen!
But only a SOCIALIST society can boldly tell all these smug and insensitive property owners that their property rights are NULL AND VOID. Human rights come first !
My complements to that kind social worker, Melissa Lacroix.
" They fail to isolate and indict the root forces that put people on the street. At times unintentionally but often with intention, they promote blurred, complicated reasons for homelessness because they possess a prominent stake in this system. To actually identify the cause of homelessness is very difficult because it would take a complete rearranging of perspective. Still, the truth stares us all in the face.
The cause of homelessness is private property. It is exacerbated by the ability to accumulate wealth from the ownership of homes and other property through the charging of rent. "
Homeless " problem " in Kennedy Plaza |
Providence , Rhode Island -- " The Color of Outer Space " ( H.P. Lovecraft )
The Providence Journal was a huge institutional presence in the lives
of just about everybody over forty here. The punk capitalism of the
last few decades ruined it as the Rhode Island Voice of a rather
enlightened ruling class.
Taking a walk downtown ( remember David Brussat, " Mr. Downtown " ? ), I wondered how long it would take for the imposing PROVIDENCE JOURNAL sign to be removed from the top of the building.
" You can't go home again ", a famous novelist suggested. No, and even other Providence based institutions are much decayed. The Providence Public Library now serves mostly the neglected mentally ill and homeless derelicts -and old fashioned perverts ALWAYS occupying single person restrooms for a suspiciously long time.
Narragansett Beer wants to " come home " to Providence ? I associate it with the classic 1950s TV commercials featuring the sparkling pristine waters of the Scituate Reservoir. But something has gone bad with Providence drinking water in recent years. Why are so many individuals drinking expensive ( two dollars per bottle ) " Polish Spring Water " ? The once sparkling ,pristine Scituate Reservoir is polluted .
Many parts of the city are filthy with garbage and illegal dumping. And overgrown with weeds- suggestive of H.P. Lovecraft's " The Color of Outer Space ".
No, you can't go home again. Ask your new employee, Bob Kerr, my dear " Comrade " .He remembers 75 Fountain St. all too well-a bitter-sweet memory.
Taking a walk downtown ( remember David Brussat, " Mr. Downtown " ? ), I wondered how long it would take for the imposing PROVIDENCE JOURNAL sign to be removed from the top of the building.
" You can't go home again ", a famous novelist suggested. No, and even other Providence based institutions are much decayed. The Providence Public Library now serves mostly the neglected mentally ill and homeless derelicts -and old fashioned perverts ALWAYS occupying single person restrooms for a suspiciously long time.
Narragansett Beer wants to " come home " to Providence ? I associate it with the classic 1950s TV commercials featuring the sparkling pristine waters of the Scituate Reservoir. But something has gone bad with Providence drinking water in recent years. Why are so many individuals drinking expensive ( two dollars per bottle ) " Polish Spring Water " ? The once sparkling ,pristine Scituate Reservoir is polluted .
Many parts of the city are filthy with garbage and illegal dumping. And overgrown with weeds- suggestive of H.P. Lovecraft's " The Color of Outer Space ".
No, you can't go home again. Ask your new employee, Bob Kerr, my dear " Comrade " .He remembers 75 Fountain St. all too well-a bitter-sweet memory.
Decay is contagious in " going to weed " Providence-beloved city of H.P. Lovecraft |
What the New Atheism could not tell Bryce Williams
So another " crazy " falls through the cracks ? A narcissistic
culture of " identity " nurtured the growing darkness in his soul. A
little exposure to the philosophical wisdom of the ages might have
helped " Bryce Williams- the gay-black male- before the dangerous age of
40. That wisdom says to check your individual EGO. You are a passing
moment in time-not the center of the universe.The New Atheism will not
tell you THAT !
The Russian novelist Dostoevsky: " If God does not exist, then everything is permitted ". Yes, everything !
The Russian novelist Dostoevsky: " If God does not exist, then everything is permitted ". Yes, everything !
Thursday, August 27, 2015
American psychiatry : Ayn Rand vs. Viktor Frankl
The narcissistic culture of " identity " nurtured this gay, black male's growing insanity.
A healthy philosophy of life- which puts the human EGO in its place-might have saved his soul.
Is it not enough that a community tries not to hurt or humiliate you on the basis of race or sexual orientation ? Must you be fawned upon and adored too ? Must you be SPECIAL in a society of equals ?
But we don't want a society of equals, do we ? We want a rat race which makes rats of us all. And most psychiatrists have no quarrel with this capitalist system. They are true believers in...what ? Prozac ?
A great psychiatrist wrote a book titled : " Modern Man in Search of a Soul ". But most psychiatrists today are in the vanguard of the New Atheism .They prefer Ayn Rand to Viktor Frankl who wrote : " Man's Search for Meaning ".
A Halloween scare for October 2016: The Bolsheviks are coming !
Joe Biden for president ?I know in my bones by now that BOTH the Democratic Party and the
Republican Party are well beyond " progressive reform ". But the Trump
and Sanders shaking up of this two party system warns of a coming
political crisis. Snake like, Biden approaches the fresh " idealist "
Senator Elizabeth Warren. But in this capitalist news media political
circus the goof Biden has even less popular appeal than Harpy
Hillary-the oh-so-feminist war monger.And the Democratic Party will
reform Warren more quickly than she will reform the Democratic Party- a
party of truly lost souls !
At least" The Donald " and the " socialist " Bernie Sanders entertain the crowds.What can be more soporific than a Hillary Clinton vs, Jeb Bush contest in 2016 ? And " Catholic " Jeb has a lot in common with the vocally " anti-capitalist " Pope Francis, does he not ? Jeb is a passionate Right- to- Lifer. Ask any prisoner on death row .Ask anyone in need of national health care .
Find one candidate for president among this bunch who does not slobber over " our special relationship with Israel ".
Perhaps there will be an explosion of working class-lower middle class America soon. " Democracy " will be like it is in Athens, Greece: real democracy in the streets.
A Halloween scare for October 2016 : The Bolsheviks are coming !
The capitalists news media has one monotonous message for us 21st century plebians : " Nope, nothing wrong here --" nothing fundamentally wrong with capitalism, with our American Way of Life.
A world in which our ONE PERCENT is on top is quite naturally ( for them ) the best of all possible worlds.
At least" The Donald " and the " socialist " Bernie Sanders entertain the crowds.What can be more soporific than a Hillary Clinton vs, Jeb Bush contest in 2016 ? And " Catholic " Jeb has a lot in common with the vocally " anti-capitalist " Pope Francis, does he not ? Jeb is a passionate Right- to- Lifer. Ask any prisoner on death row .Ask anyone in need of national health care .
Find one candidate for president among this bunch who does not slobber over " our special relationship with Israel ".
Perhaps there will be an explosion of working class-lower middle class America soon. " Democracy " will be like it is in Athens, Greece: real democracy in the streets.
A Halloween scare for October 2016 : The Bolsheviks are coming !
The capitalists news media has one monotonous message for us 21st century plebians : " Nope, nothing wrong here --" nothing fundamentally wrong with capitalism, with our American Way of Life.
A world in which our ONE PERCENT is on top is quite naturally ( for them ) the best of all possible worlds.
ALL will serve the ONE PERCENT-even the Democrats |
Narragansett Beer as an antidote to Lovecraft's " cosmic horror " ?
I am lacking in bibulous experience to comment on the present quality of the once legendary Narragansett Beer. But I remember those classic 1950s TV commercials which associated the brew with the pristine pure waters of the Scituate Reservoir. Now if they can bring THAT back I would drink a lot more of this beer.
Something has happened to the quality of the Providence drinking water in the last few decades. It was once praised as the finest drinking water in the world. Not for nothing more and more people are drinking bottled water.
Also, I must scold the Narragansett Beer advertising staff for associating the American Gothic face of that famous horror writer and Providence gentleman, H.P. Lovecraft, with beer drinking. Lovecraft loathed ALL alcoholic beverages. But he could be forgiven a few nights of beer drunkenness himself after all that " Horror at Red Hook " experience or the encounter with that " Thing at the Doorstep ".
Can any brew of Narragansett Beer serve as an antidote to " cosmic horror " ?
[ ]
Something has happened to the quality of the Providence drinking water in the last few decades. It was once praised as the finest drinking water in the world. Not for nothing more and more people are drinking bottled water.
Also, I must scold the Narragansett Beer advertising staff for associating the American Gothic face of that famous horror writer and Providence gentleman, H.P. Lovecraft, with beer drinking. Lovecraft loathed ALL alcoholic beverages. But he could be forgiven a few nights of beer drunkenness himself after all that " Horror at Red Hook " experience or the encounter with that " Thing at the Doorstep ".
Can any brew of Narragansett Beer serve as an antidote to " cosmic horror " ?
[ ]
Narragansett Beer once came from pristine Scituate Reservoir |
Hand Guantanamo "prisoners of war " over to the United Nations
Guantanamo prisoners - welcome to America !
If the U.S. government thinks that its reckless and morally insane "
war on terrorism " produces no legitimate " prisoners of war " but only
sub-human captives ,then it is itself the number one " state terrorist "
on the planet. Any genuine " liberal " ( NPR types ? ) familiar with
all the U.S. military prison scandals ( in Guantanamo, Iraq,
Afghanistan, etc. ) would insist these prisoners -held indefinitely and
indecently-be handed over to the United Nations. The U.S. military has
no moral authority to lead any war on terrorism anywhere in the world.
So far the U.S. war on terrorism is just a phony cover for an imperialist war( in alliance with Zionist, apartheid Israel ) on the people of the Middle East. Are the American people going to support a 21st century 100 Years War with the American Dream-as The Donald says - already dead ?
So far the U.S. war on terrorism is just a phony cover for an imperialist war( in alliance with Zionist, apartheid Israel ) on the people of the Middle East. Are the American people going to support a 21st century 100 Years War with the American Dream-as The Donald says - already dead ?
Crimes against humanity at Guantanamo ? |
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
TV crew shot on live broadcast
TV crew shot
America has a serious mental health crisis-and a broken mental health system. A culture of gun fanatics and narcissism mass produces individual insanity. It looks like both race and class are factors in this tragedy.Is the loss of a job in a cut throat economy perceived as a death sentence in itself ? A common feeling : " I am angry as hell and I can't take it anymore ! " ( movie " Network " ). A rat race makes us all rats !
America has a serious mental health crisis-and a broken mental health system. A culture of gun fanatics and narcissism mass produces individual insanity. It looks like both race and class are factors in this tragedy.Is the loss of a job in a cut throat economy perceived as a death sentence in itself ? A common feeling : " I am angry as hell and I can't take it anymore ! " ( movie " Network " ). A rat race makes us all rats !
mistaG replied to your comment |
![]() |
Best comment in this section!!
Gay domestic violence-murder in Middletown, Rhode Island
Nightmare lesbian lover" consumes the relationship "in Middletown
Domestic violence is just as ugly and inevitable in the gay
community as it is in traditional male-female sexual relationships.
Could not friends of the murdered Rachael Kilroy tell her that this wild,
homeless felon-Melissa Sue Anne Castle- was not the ideal " love partner ". ?
Politically correct news coverage has over-idealized " couple " relationships in the gay community. A sick possessiveness-a product of the capitalist economic system- poisons ALL romance.
In general, sexual fidelity is not programmed into homosexual-or homo sapiens- genes.So gay marriage is just a farce of a farce.Single people should not envy the COUPLED world-gay or straight.
Politically correct news coverage has over-idealized " couple " relationships in the gay community. A sick possessiveness-a product of the capitalist economic system- poisons ALL romance.
In general, sexual fidelity is not programmed into homosexual-or homo sapiens- genes.So gay marriage is just a farce of a farce.Single people should not envy the COUPLED world-gay or straight.
Melissa Sue Anne Castle-lesbian" lover "of Rachael Kilroy |
Donald Trump LESSER EVIL to reactionary maniac Roger Ailes
- As a democratic Socialist-impressed with Trump's political-skills- I fear he is very much THE MAN, the American fuhrer, the LEADER, Middle America is longing for. He who voices their fears, and anxieties, their resentments and insecurity in a world gone mad.
Compared to Roger Ailes- President Maker- Trump is the lesser evil.And " bimbo " might indeed apply to the Fox News queen- and dozens of Megyn Kelly clones.
Trump says one crude truth-with which even Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont can agree : " The American Dream is Dead ".
But that dream was not killed by illegal aliens. Trump's beloved capitalism killed it -even killed the Chinese, Russian, and European brand of it.
As a critical supporter of Sanders I will not buy shares in Trump's Amerika.
Roger Ailes-more sinister than The Donald !
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Understanding wealth- Marx's Das Kapital was a great beginning
How about a very cerebral--non-angry,non-violent--way to check the economic
chaos of global capitalism ? What we need in this country is a national
debate on the rational basis for wealth creation. I think Karl Marx
made a great beginning with his Das Kapital, his labor theory of value.
We must question today the very legitimacy of " legitimate " wealth.
An egalitarian concept of humanity cannot justify our ONE PERCENT. The normal distribution curve of human potential does not explain such extraordinary inequality. But let us DEBATE this in a civil way.
Ron Ruggieri ·
Keith Balderson A great beginning !
An egalitarian concept of humanity cannot justify our ONE PERCENT. The normal distribution curve of human potential does not explain such extraordinary inequality. But let us DEBATE this in a civil way.
Keith Balderson A great beginning !
Monday, August 24, 2015
The spirit of Bernie Madoff prevails in the global stock market
Stock market panic
stock market irrationality is all just " a confidence game " ? Perhaps
the world socialist web site had a better description : " a Ponzi
scheme " . The spirit of Bernie Madoff prevails among the world's
wealthy elite. They don't even want to intelligently exploit " labor "
anymore. They mimic the old Robber Barons. They want to swindle and
plunder, not " create jobs ". Does any economist ever win a Nobel Prize
for repudiating the ethics of global capitalism ? How about a Nobel
Prize in Economics for Pope Francis and the social philosophy of the
Catholic Church ?
But old Karl Marx got it right ? For China and Russia- a back to the ABCs of communism movement ?
But old Karl Marx got it right ? For China and Russia- a back to the ABCs of communism movement ?
Is a sick brain more hateful than a sick liver ? ( schizophrenic mass killer sentenced )
James Holmes sentenced It is simply a waste of emotional and spiritual energy to hate this
mentally ill man. Our mental health system is an international disgrace.
Hardly a few-not quite corrupt- professional psychiatrists do not
apologize for its insanity.De-institutionalization for a half a century
has been a human catastrophe. Is a sick brain somehow more hateful than a
sick heart or a sick liver ? How many American judges can rise above a
Dark Age view of human wickedness ?
Our legal system is based on a vague but needed concept of FREE WILL. But can any evolutionary biologist tell us how and when it evolved in homo-sapiens ?
I don't think human beings are robots. But just how free is our free will ?
Our legal system is based on a vague but needed concept of FREE WILL. But can any evolutionary biologist tell us how and when it evolved in homo-sapiens ?
I don't think human beings are robots. But just how free is our free will ?
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Henry Kissinger -war criminal and Zionist
Your comment shows that you lived in total isolation for a very long time or you were in jail.
Of course, Henry Kissinger-remembered forever as a war criminal by
those millions of the baby boom generation who protested the Vietnam
War-would establish a WORLD ORDER completely subservient to U.S.
imperialism and its Middle East partner, Apartheid Zionist Israel.Can
all that pretentious intellectuality hide THIS agenda ?
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