Friday, August 28, 2015

Providence , Rhode Island -- " The Color of Outer Space " ( H.P. Lovecraft )

The Providence Journal was a huge institutional presence in the lives of just about everybody over forty here. The punk capitalism of the last few decades ruined it as the Rhode Island Voice of a rather enlightened ruling class.
Taking a walk downtown ( remember David Brussat, " Mr. Downtown " ? ), I wondered how long it would take for the imposing PROVIDENCE JOURNAL sign to be removed from the top of the building.
" You can't go home again ", a famous novelist suggested. No, and even other Providence based institutions are much decayed. The Providence Public Library now serves mostly the neglected mentally ill and homeless derelicts -and old fashioned perverts ALWAYS occupying single person restrooms for a suspiciously long time.
Narragansett Beer wants to " come home " to Providence ? I associate it with the classic 1950s TV commercials featuring the sparkling pristine waters of the Scituate Reservoir. But something has gone bad with Providence drinking water in recent years. Why are so many individuals drinking expensive ( two dollars per bottle ) " Polish Spring Water " ? The once sparkling ,pristine Scituate Reservoir is polluted .
Many parts of the city are filthy with garbage and illegal dumping. And overgrown with weeds- suggestive of H.P. Lovecraft's " The Color of Outer Space ".
No, you can't go home again. Ask your new employee, Bob Kerr, my dear " Comrade " .He remembers 75 Fountain St. all too well-a bitter-sweet memory.
Decay is contagious in " going to weed " Providence-beloved city of H.P. Lovecraft

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