Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Friday, August 14, 2015
Ask The Donald about his theory of history ?
Ask ANY of the presidential candidates here in the United States
if they have a THEORY OF HISTORY. You will get a perplexed ,dumbfounded
look : what does that question have to do with anything that matters ?
What ” matters ” for Democrats and Republicans in high office is the
political,economic, and ideological interests of the U.S. ruling class.
They cover up this crude truth with unctuous abstract words and
phrases: ” freedom “, ” democracy “,” national independence “, ”
economic progress “. Even the ” war on terrorism ” is a vacuous fraud.
These political leaders of the capitalist class share the delusion
of that class that History has ended, that the evolution of human
society culminates in THEIR supremacy.
A world in which THEY -this ONE PERCENT plutocracy – is on top is necessarily the best of all possible worlds.
Even vague and phony liberalism has become hateful to this
arrogant elite. That is why they ignorantly call Hillary Clinton a ”
socialist “.
A real socialist might call THE DONALD a fascist. If THEY are nervous enough, Trump will do in the 2016 election.
Could it be that the great American middle class is getting sick of
capitalism ? The ” socialist ” Bernie Sanders just might win the New
Hampshire primary. Then what will the ruling class do ? Tame Bernie ?
Introduce him to Hillary’s brand of ” socialism ” ?
But how about the real thing for a change ?
Can History have a pattern ? Can it be scientific ?
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What ” matters ” for Democrats and Republicans in high office is the political,economic, and ideological interests of the U.S. ruling class.
They cover up this crude truth with unctuous abstract words and phrases: ” freedom “, ” democracy “,” national independence “, ” economic progress “. Even the ” war on terrorism ” is a vacuous fraud.
These political leaders of the capitalist class share the delusion of that class that History has ended, that the evolution of human society culminates in THEIR supremacy.
A world in which THEY -this ONE PERCENT plutocracy – is on top is necessarily the best of all possible worlds.
Even vague and phony liberalism has become hateful to this arrogant elite. That is why they ignorantly call Hillary Clinton a ” socialist “.
A real socialist might call THE DONALD a fascist. If THEY are nervous enough, Trump will do in the 2016 election.
Could it be that the great American middle class is getting sick of capitalism ? The ” socialist ” Bernie Sanders just might win the New Hampshire primary. Then what will the ruling class do ? Tame Bernie ? Introduce him to Hillary’s brand of ” socialism ” ?
But how about the real thing for a change ?