" An  influx of neglect and abuses cases " and a predictably bleak future for ALL children born into poverty ( most poor people in this country are white. The absolute number is more significant than statistical proportion). How does Governor Gina Raimondo manage to cut " entitlement " budgets and still- by dedicated social work with poor families- save their future ?
Not irrelevant here is the one hundred year old socialist criticism of the isolated, atomized, highly vulnerable family unit under capitalism. In modern times the Israeli kibbutz offered a partial solution to this problem. The " socialist " nature of the kibbutz was undermined by the FREE MARKET idiocy of the last few decades.( I have read a number of leftist Jewish writers on this " failure " of the kibbutz )
Clearly, no children can be abused where there is always a responsible adult presence in the home. Socialism will not so much abolish the family as reinforce it and extend it. A child will have multiple mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters. Children are not property !

The kibbutz making a comeback in Israel ?