Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Religious letter writer wonders why children suffer

Why do children suffer ?
 First sentence : " It should not be in the realm of reality for children to suffer ". This is the question that haunts two characters in the Albert Camus novel " The Plague ". By the end of the novel they too both die of the plague. One of characters, Father Paneloux, insists on clinging to divine " truth ". The other character, Tarrou, tries to be " a saint without God ".
The narrator of " The Plague " , Dr. Rieux , a " humanist ", a lot like Camus himself, just tries to help the sick and fight the plague.For Camus a universe utterly indifferent to thinking, feeling, suffering humanity was ABSURD indeed.
I recommend " The Plague " to The Rev.Jan Knost and Lorna Knost.

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