The EPA is capable of only half-hearted, semi-competent efforts to protect the life giving environment around us from reckless capitalist " free enterprise ". The EPA, of course, cannot fine itself. It is already on a starvation funding diet. ALL the money necessary to deal with this new " agent Orange "- free flowing merrily, merrily down the stream into Navajo territory- should come from the gold mine owners themselves- merrily,merrily poisoning the American Dream.
The Native Americans had deep respect for Mother Nature and thought that only the Great Spirit could " own " the earth. Our capitalist culture robbed them of their precious common lands and compensated them with alcohol and gambling casinos.
The wombs of all healthy young- " earth conscious "- women should go on a baby- making -strike until the Good Earth is restored to its pristine purity.We are rapidly becoming not just victims of global capitalism -but a FAILED SPECIES.
Only very foolish young people will be optimistic about THEIR future on this troubled planet.
  "  CNN)The mustard hue of the Animas River in Colorado -- the most visible effect of a mistake by the Environmental Protection Agency that dumped millions of gallons of pollutants into the water -- is striking."