Tuesday, August 4, 2015

When women WERE the gentler sex

nice woman cop with Rottweiler- a personal experience
  [  Sabrina Corgatelli, an accountant for Idaho State University, appeared on NBC's "Today” show on Monday to defend trophy hunting amid mounting international outrage over last month's killing of Cecil, Zimbabwe's most famous lion, by an American dentist.
  "Everybody thinks we're cold-hearted killers and it's not that," Corgatelli said in the nationally televised interview. "There is a connection to the animal, and just because we hunt them doesn’t mean we don't have a respect for them. Giraffes are very dangerous animals. They could hurt you seriously, very quickly."]
       I read the above sickening news story right after hearing an oh-so-politically correct radio MESSAGE urging fathers to warn their growing boys - while still docile ?- that violence against  females is always taboo and morally despicable. I got this message in the religious culture of my youth - implicit in the pre-Vatican II Baltimore Catechism. But here it was a message with a context: women were life givers and the very source of " unconditional love ".
          Several decades of militant feminism have completely changed this picture. Men began to joke about not offering any female a seat on the bus. Militant feminists began to talk about abortion right with more passion than the birth of a child. Women became cops and truck drivers and jet fighter pilots and now combat killers.
             As a democratic Socialist I have no quarrel with basic social equality between the sexes. But something GOOD was lost with the new images of a woman as GI JOE or, as in the above news story, a crude and stupid big game hunter. The world was a gentler kinder place when women in general could corner the market on PITY.
           I sensed this sad " change " when a woman cop's Rottweiler surprised me with a sudden growl on a side street. Backing away I fell in the street and injured my shoulder. The woman cop did not apologize or try to console me while I waited  for an ambulance. No, she just slithered away ( after making a cell phone call ) and I was left with a $30,000  hospital bill ( which uninsured at the time I could never pay ) . That well remembered incident happened almost 13 years ago on Reservoir Ave. in Cranston.I wrote a letter to the editor about it that was published -but in vain.They would never violate the woman cop's cell phone privacy rights.
            When women are perceived to be just as tough and " mean " as the traditional FIGHTING SEX   what protective instincts do they arouse in young men still tuned in to defend THEIR women and children ?
        Any message against violence to women should have a context : the root of violence in modern times is the cut throat culture of global capitalism. And the war monger Harpy Hillary Clinton is rather infatuated with power and violence ON THE TOP . Vote for Hillary - a woman's turn ?
         And even the image of the Mother of God has been corrupted by the capitalist culture of violence. The disgraced Catholic priest Father John Corapi said in a pro-war rant on EWTN  that"  Mary wore combat boots ". HIS Holy Mother ? Heaven help us !
        Those combat boots could be nostalgically replaced with high heels.

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