Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Senator Reed, socialists would nationalize Big Oil

Senator Reed: no tax breaks for Big Energy

     Senator Reed, a U.S. Senate controlled by the American plutocracy in no way represents American " democracy ". A U.S. Senate controlled by Ayn Rand inspired Republicans absolutely misrepresents the American people. Only Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont can make an honest Voice of the People claim.
Any militant socialist in America would quickly vote to NATIONALIZE BIG ENERGY..It is not only ruining peace on earth, it is ruining the earth.
The American ruling class wants to impose a Hillary Clinton vs Jeb Bush presidential contest for 2016 . But Election 2016 will see an explosion of popular democracy in America.
Perhaps one million voting citizens in the streets of Washington, D.C. will decide who our next president will be. Republicans should fear and tremble before a huge voter turn out.
One way to quickly secure peace in the Middle East is to end the reign of Big Oil everywhere-even in Russia and China.
To laugh at the " will of the people " is a lot like laughing at a wounded and hungry lion.

The whole world hates the Big Energy companies

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