Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Rich fat American tourists will corrupt socialist Cuba ?

Havana Nocturne  I  have always been a critical supporter of revolutionary socialist Cuba-never blind to its flaws. I have no doubt about the corrupting influence of affluent American tourists who would like to enjoy the old Batista regime decadence. Clever, educated, bright Cuban youth might be seduced by the ancient sins of pride and vanity: the superior individual is entitled to MORE. Some of them- already corrupted by Hollywood movies-might lose what is left of their social conscience.
In this decadent capitalist America high school students are taught an unquestioning attitude toward bourgeois values.Young ” intellectual ” idiots embrace the Ayn Rand cult and her ” Virtue of Selfishness “.
How many Republican candidates for U.S. president have vowed fidelity to the hero of ” Atlas Shrugged ” ?
Our ruling class would like to see a counter-revolution in Cuba that ironically would bring it in line with the New Russia and the New China. Both these nations have lobotomized themselves about their ” socialist -communist ” past.
How do billionaires arise from the Russian and Chinese proletariat ? For me Trotsky’s ” The Revolution Betrayed ” has awesome credibility.
The U.S. ruling class has been trying to quarantine the very idea of Socialism with its subversive campaigns against heroic little Cuba.

Assassinating Fidel Castro would proved that ” socialism can’t work ” ? Only the rule of the ONE PERCENT makes sense ?

Cuba was very decadent under Batista 

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