I wish many more Americans would introduce themselves to this WATCHING
AMERICA web site. It is so illuminating to hear this arrogant
super-power talked about from the point of view of quite damming world
public opinion. I agree completely with the article that the Iraq War
was the greatest foreign policy blunder in world history. And what moral
authority does the United States now have to LEAD the war on terrorism ?
Does not our arrogant ruling class ever ask itself just WHY any young
person becomes a dedicated terrorist ? Does not being hopelessly
alienated from an irrational and unjust ” new world order ” have
something to do with the making of a terrorist ? A suicide bomber may be
a maniac by any definition of sanity , but he or she is not a COWARD.
In contrast, what does the working class American in the military have
to fight for ? Palpably false ideals like capitalism and the American
Way of Life ( as if the working class and the wealthy ruling class enjoy
the same ” way of life “, the very same FREEDOM ) ?
What fool in uniform would think that Uncle Sam sends him all the
way to Iraq or Afghanistan or Syria to fight for militant feminism, or
for representative Democracy ? Who represents HIS class in the Congress
of the United States ? The clique of Ayn Rand inspired Republicans ?
Millionaire neo-Democrats ?
Marxists have long observed the strange lack of ” class
consciousness ” in America. But soon social consciousness must catch up
to social BEING.
What can possibly save the world from the madness of a Third World War but the ideal of international socialism ?
In this year 2015 it is most pragmatic to think UTOPIAN .
So that is what the war in Afghanistan was all about ? |
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