Thursday, June 18, 2015

Nothing more subversive than the truth

      The capitalist news media's shabby treatment of Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont-more socialist Democrat than democratic Socialist-should not surprise Bernie Sanders at all. The American ruling class has been marginalizing anti-capitalist ideas for more than a century.Oddly enough, a socialist -progressive movement -now associated with the titan Eugene V. Debs-was a not to be ignored political force in this country a century ago.But the movement must have had its pulse on the world historical Zeitgeist because in Russia in 1917 the revolutionary Bolsheviks-led by Lenin and Trotsky- seized state power.
    The American ruling class was terrified by the specter of Socialism in this country. When the Soviet Union collapsed from its inner contradictions in 1991 they imagined that the capitalist way of life must be a permanent condition of humanity, a bizarre reflection of Absolute Reason in an Ayn Rand utopia.
          The Socialist Truth-meekly represented by Bernie Sanders-denies both the sanity and the humanity of global capitalism.And there is nothing more subversive than the truth.


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