Monday, June 15, 2015

Political Correctness is at least a cut above Ayn Rand Thought

letter to editor
      I  thank  Judy Murphy, R.N. of Riverside, for this letter.I too thought that the Rev. Manchester was just a voice of reason here. Too many individuals on the left have been spiritually and intellectually stupefied by university based "political correctness ".
You would think liberal-leftists would share an appreciation of our " Culture of Narcissism ". Hillary Clinton is beginning to wake up and discover the American working class-not long after " socialist " Bernie Sanders of Vermont. But she too is a prisoner now of identity politics. A female as president of the United States will force " progress " no better than Barack Obama .
As annoying as it is, POLITICAL CORRECTNESS is a cut above the Ayn Rand Thought of most Republican candidates for president.There is a commendable sensitivity to this society's " different " people.

You should vote for people like you

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