I have no quarrel with state recognition of gay marriage. But as a
democratic Socialist I am amused how the intellectual " left " has
completely forgotten the Marxist criticism of bourgeois marriage .Even
the early feminists regarded legal marriage as an oppressive institution
that props up private property rights. A Socialist society would not
leave so many happily divorced couples with any significant PRIVATE
PROPERTY to fight over. To put it crudely, the feminist pioneers would
just laugh at gay marriage as a farce of a farce.Read Engels " The
Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State."
Would not a loving friend do anything a legal same sex sexual partner would do ? Should FRIENDSHIP be institutionalized too ?
Is a gay spouse more likely to be " faithful " ? In the 1950s happily married men just hid all those Playboy Magazines in the back of the closet.
But singer Frank Sinatra also got it right : " Love and marriage.... love and marriage... go together like a horse and carriage.... you can't have one without the other ".
Frank knew.
Mix - Frank Sinatra: Love and Marriage
Would not a loving friend do anything a legal same sex sexual partner would do ? Should FRIENDSHIP be institutionalized too ?
Is a gay spouse more likely to be " faithful " ? In the 1950s happily married men just hid all those Playboy Magazines in the back of the closet.
But singer Frank Sinatra also got it right : " Love and marriage.... love and marriage... go together like a horse and carriage.... you can't have one without the other ".
Frank knew.

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