You call always distinguish between people of FAITH and the organized religious institution . This was always true of the Catholic Church. It is the humble faithful who constitute the Mystical Body of Christ not the priests, bishops, cardinals , and popes . But no demented Marxist party will ever succeed in making the USA an " officially atheist " country although ILLIBERAL LIBERAL Democrats are trying hard to do just that.
Most of the Christian " mega- preachers " - preaching the Gospel of Wealth - have been directly bribed by Zionist Jew money . They never fail to put in a slobbering word for Holy Israel . I have never heard even a fallen Catholic priest preach the Gospel of Wealth saying " Jesus wants you to be rich " ... " God love the rich ! " . Catholics priests do preach frequently that there is meaning in suffering as symbolized by the crucified Christ .
Granted that organized religion can be a con , how many stadiums can the New Atheism preachers fill ? Millions of humble people will turn out to greet the Catholic Pope ( In still Communist Poland the huge crowds shouted " WE WANT GOD ! " at Pope John Paul II ).
The New Atheists are not attacking phony Christianity . They are attacking FAITH , the religious instincts of the masses , a vital force for whatever GOODNESS and KINDNESS in the world.
I can understand that SCIENCE is a god that failed in the 20th century. So it is pure hubris to think that you can be guided by a SCIENCE of history and claim a patent on " socialism ".
Any future SOCIALIST society will have a spiritual basis in transcendent FAITH or it will quickly degenerate into an inhuman mockery of UTOPIA .
No future HUMAN social organization will ever bless our race with guaranteed HAPPINESS in this world. Life will always be a grim struggle for existence on this side of paradise- always with much suffering and inevitable death for each of us. And in the future secular grief counseling will be as useless as it is today. The existential ABSURD will never go away .
Real SOCIALISM can focus on much avoidable human misery . To be sure, HUMANS will never be MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE nor even MASTERS OF THE GOOD EARTH .

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