Tuesday, January 14, 2020

FOX NEWS's Tucker Carlson endorses Bernie Sanders for Democrat Party nominee !

For what it is worth FOX NEWS journalist Tucker Carlson recommends ( to his political enemies ? ) BERNIE SANDERS as the Democrat Party's nominee for president of the United States :
[ " In fact, Joe Biden has it exactly backward. Baggage? Sanders, in fact, has the least baggage of any Democrat in this race, believe it or not.
He is the least beholden to his own party. He's made it clear for years that he wants to overturn the entire American system.
Now, that's appalling. It's without precedent. But keep in mind, this is a country where a lot of people are suddenly fed up with the system. "
And because of that, Sanders's position gives him power. In fact, at this point, he is the most credible change candidate in the Democratic Party. And in 2020, that could make him the most formidable challenger. "]

I would be a critical supporter of " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders only if he broke with Democrat Party - or the Democrat Party broke with him . Only if he renounced any support for Zionist Apartheid Israel and denounced American imperialism around the world . Only then does any talk of " socialism " become credible.

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