Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Give credit to Jewish conservative Ben Shapiro on climate change hysteria

It does seem that even very competent scientists can succumb to pernicious GROUP THINK - which is never the essence of the scientific method . I just came across this post :

[ Ike Kiefer April 21, 2017 at 3:20 pm
Agree. Tyson has equated skeptics of climate alarmism with flat Earthers and inferred that they refuse to believe because it contradicts the Bible. That is the condescension and arrogance of a Popish intellectual chauvinist who is blind to his own ignorance and preconceptions and articles of faith. True scientists are in the tradition of Richard Feynman; they refuse to fall in love with any theory or worldview, but continue to assimilate evidence and follow the data with reason and logic wherever it goes, regardless of what is popular with peers or authorities or celebrities. Bill Nye, Michio Kaku, and Neil DeGrasse-Tyson are various degrees of caricature of true scientists. They each suffer from enlarged egos, Dunning-Kruger cognitive bias, and a fatal thirst for public approbation. Ben Shapiro captures the anti-scientific arrogance of these individuals well in this clip
https://youtu.be/jkGxyJFmd4s .]
I do commend even conservative Jewish intellectuals when they talk truth. Ben Shapiro is a victim of contempt for the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization on elite colleges campuses in the USA today.

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