Any FAKE NEWS " liberal " American journalist today would benefit tremendously by reading or consulting the collective works of H.L. Mencken. Imagine shunning ALL writers , philosophers, and artists suspected of being horribly elitist ? Over sensitive Jews sniffed out hints of anti-Semitism in the writing of H.L. Mencken. They then proceeded to throw their collective weight against him in respected newspapers and magazines . The thinking public only hurts itself by ignoring the writing of H.L. Mencken.
After the horror writer genius from Providence , Rhode Island , H.P. Lovecraft was unmasked as " racist " , " anti-Semite ", " white supremacist " by politically correct liberal champions of DNC based " identity politics " he too was consigned to " The Shunned House ".
[HP Lovecraft biographer rages against ditching of author as fantasy prize emblem
ST Joshi has condemned the World Fantasy awards’ decision to stop using trophies modelled on the controversial writer as ‘the worst sort of political correctness’]
What was lacking here was BALANCED judgment . The legendary aviator ALL AMERICAN HERO Charles Lindberg was also wrongly smeared as an anti-Semite while opposing his country's march to war in the late 1930s .
The brilliant LEFTIST writer Gore Vidal was also smeared as an anti-Semite . Time to stand up to these Zionist Jew bullies who feel so free to ruin reputations !
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H.P. Lovecraft " unmasked as racist and Jew hater ? |
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