Wednesday, January 8, 2020

American patriotism calling : MAKE THE WORLD SAFE FOR THESE CREEPS ?

If I were an American visiting Iran, their own equivalent CIA might want to unmask this no name blogger as a pillar of Western Christian Civilization.

I would escape their own " Gulag " by blessing their own nuclear weapons agenda . ANY country threatened with " annihilation " by Donald Trump and his own gang of Zionist Jew thugs should not waste any time building a nuclear weapons arsenal that matches that of Zionist Apartheid Israel.

Mussolini like, Trump brags about OUR advanced military weapons and technology . The " lesser " nation states of the world get the message : Imperialist USA must not have superior advantage in nuclear World War III .

The American working class - mostly CHRISTIAN - has nothing in common with the interests of the American plutocracy or Israel's arrogant settler class - so much like Apartheid South Africa's white supremacist settler class.

As in 1917 Wilsonian patriotic blather : MAKE THE WORLD SAFE FOR THESE CREEPS ?

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