Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
What the Army needs, what the Navy needs , what the Air Force needs ? What WE THE PEOPLE - the vast working class of the nation need is to junk the All-American war machine that serves the interests of the plutocracy only.
' [ A war between the United States and China, which according to the report might break out within four years, will be “horrendous” and “devastating.”
] ' The mainstream news media report on the Mueller " Russia Collusion " investigation with the assumption that post-communist ( Orthodox Church influenced ? ) Russia is a permanent enemy of the United States. And on what basis ?
The Crimea is as dear to ordinary Americans as England in two world wars ? Did not one General Winfield Scott invade Mexico in the early years of the Republic ? Might Russia have its own equivalent of the Monroe Doctrine ?
What super power villain now substitutes for the " godless communism " Russia of the McCarthy era ?
The leaders of Russia , China, Iran, North Korea ( even little Venezuela ) do not live up to the high moral principles of the American ruling class ? They are a threat to " OUR democracy " and " OUR way of life " ?
WE THE PEOPLE can just say no to World War III . Ask Karl Marx what WE have to lose .
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