Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Monday, November 26, 2018
Bernie Sanders - the ideal socialist leader for successful ( Jewish ? ) dentists ?
The Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky might have described " Independent ", " Socialist " , "Democrat " ( ??? ) Bernie Sanders as the ideal socialist leader for successful ( Jewish ? ) dentists .
Demand " that the wealthy and the powerful start paying their fair share of taxes".
No real democratic socialists talk about the wealthy " paying their fair share of taxes ". They question the moral legitimacy of ALL " legitimate " wealth guided by Marx's labor theory of value. In the passionate tone of an Old Testament prophet Karl Marx condemned THE SYSTEM of capitalism.
Only the international Pseudo-Left admires Bernie Sanders. When he talks sense he merits a measure of critical support, I think .
The Talk Radio land far right IMAGINES that the neo-con Democratic Party is about to be taken over by SOCIALISTS . I just heard a" Red Eye Radio " host say that socialism is based on jealousy and envy. How scholarly and profound. Why should EXPLOITED and OPPRESSED working class Americans put up with this wonderful capitalism for another day ?
Would good Mother Earth endorse capitalism ?
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