Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
The ogre of PRIVATE PROPERTY rights always raises its ugly head in these national disasters :
' [ Pink's husband took to Instagram Tuesday to post a picture of a dozen gun-wielding men – dubbed the "P.D.C. Posse" – standing in front of a sign that reads, "Looters will be shot on site." ] '
The famous science writer Isaac Asimov wrote a very interesting book titled " A Choice of Catastrophes " - each of which threatens the very existence of the human race .
It would seem axiomatic to any socialist that what is most needed is a strong sense of COMMUNITY- not a fanatical defense of private property rights.
When hundreds of thousands of people lose EVERYTHING , they are clearly desperate and need above all the extended COMMUNITY and what is left of precious FAMILY ties.
American capitalism is not prepared for collective catastrophes. How could WE ever survive a nuclear war if WE are overwhelmed by hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, and forest fires and great plagues and epidemics ? Does the indifferent COSMOS need US ?
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